


"Predictably Grow Trials & Sales With THE
Software SEO Agency
Specialized in Category Domination 
in Google & Bing..."
(Without The Risk of Banned Tactics!)
"Predictably Grow Demos & Sales With THE
"Predictably Grow Demos & Sales With THE
Software SEO Agency
Specialized in Category Domination
in Google & Bing..."
(Without The Risk of Banned Tactics!)

Changing the Game for Software Companies

Join the Software & SaaS companies who are dominating 
Google & Bing with our Organic Impact Formula™ 


NEW Traffic


NEW Trial Users


NEW Sales

Changing the Game for Software Companies

Join the Software & SaaS companies who are dominating Google & Bing with our Organic Impact Formula™ 


NEW Traffic


NEW Trial Users


NEW Sales

What Makes Us So Special...?
A Proven Organic Impact Formula™ With Predictable Results That Kick SaaS!
A Proven Organic Impact Formula™ With Predictable Results That Kick SaaS!
"Predictability"... The Most Important 
Word For Software Businesses. 
"Predictability"... The Most Important Word for Software Businesses.
With steady "hot" traffic, you can scale. You can grow your team, and when your next round of funding comes, you'll be ready. With predictable search engine traffic you become the Category King. Let me show you how it works...
  • Your ideal customer begins a search to find a solution to their problem... and you're at the top of the Google results.
  • Studies show that customers are more likely to buy and trust the top listing. So not only are you getting more traffic, but your traffic is more likely to convert.
  • ​As website traffic increases, trials and demos increase, as do your sales... Congratulations! You've created a predictable selling machine.
How Our Software Clients
Add Up to $160K in MRR
Every Month...
Dear Software Marketer,

Imagine if you had a predictable, steady flow of traffic to your website, resulting in predictable trials and demos each month…

Sales would skyrocket… you’d be able to grow faster… you’d feel secure and ready for the goal of every entrepreneur… "scale"
This is exactly what our Software & SaaS clients are experiencing.

Say goodbye to the frustration and uncertainty of trying to guess how to grow your business and test our proven Organic Impact Formula™ and Category King Blueprint™.

Our SEO & SEM strategies have generated over 5.5 million demos for our Software & SaaS clients, all from increasing targeted search traffic.

This isn’t 5.5 millions demos in just one specific niche. No, we’ve successfully deployed these strategies in many different markets. Enabling us to help every single partner who chooses us to shift their gears into full throttle by dominating Google & Bing.

ALL of our clients have seen sales improve without spending a single cent more on their marketing. Marketing when done right, isn't an expense.

Sounds too good to be true, but it’s happening. In fact, we’re so confident we can deliver results for you that we offer a guarantee – if we don’t reach our KPI’s, you stop paying us until we do!
Organic Impact Formula™ 
Results That Speak For Themselves...

Case 1: Software Company

  • 64% Increase Organic Traffic
  • 80% Increase Organic Trial Downloads

Case 1: Software Company

This B2C ecommerce brand came to Lifted Search wanting to add to its acquisition of new users to the brand. We launched a project that has consistently delivered around 40k new website visitors and 10k new software trials per month. All new users to the brand.

Case 2: Software Company

  • 39% Increase Organic Traffic
  • 29% Increase Organic Trial Downloads
This smaller B2C eCommerce brand needed a focus on acquisition of new users to an older brand in a market full of startups. Between several SEO projects and conversion optimization, the brand now receives 6-7k new website visitors per month and converts over 10% of those visitors to trial.

  • 39% Increase Organic Traffic
  • 29% Increase Organic Trial Downloads

Case 3: Software Company

  • 23% Increase Organic Traffic
  • 30% Increase Organic Trial Downloads

Case 3: Software Company

When beginning our partnership, this B2C/B2B eCommerce software company was losing thousands of sales per month to retailers that were not properly merchandising software. Targeted content for certain branded search terms added nearly 150k monthly incremental new users to the website with 60% conversion to trial.

Case 4: Software Company

  • 19% Increase Organic Traffic
This 15-year-old B2C software brand was seeking a refresh on its acquisition of new customers with a website that had been declining in traffic for 5+ years. Lifted Search projects drive between 15-20k monthly new users and $4-5k in purchases (not including revenue from remarketing and impact on purchases made through other channels).

  • 19% Increase Organic Traffic

Case 5: Software Company

  • 20% Increase Organic Traffic
  • 39% Increase Organic Trial Downloads

Case 5: Software Company

This 20+ year old software brand has been in decline for years and came to Lifted Search hoping to slow down the decline of its site receiving over 1 million users /month. Between general sitewide optimization and several other projects, Lifted Search has added 200k monthly visitors from Google and generates 65k trials per month.
A Bit of Social Proof...
Our Clients Love Us! 
why choose
why choose
At Lifted Search we're built on "trust". We recognize that your mission is important and that every marketing dollar must generate a return. We love helping our Software & SaaS Clients make an impact in their respective industries... Our team loves what we do and we celebrate "the ripple effect" of our hard work.
Because we're built on trust, we're selective with who we serve. As your "partner" we want to guarantee your success and ROI. We also want to help where we can make the biggest difference leveraging our proven Organic Impact Formula™. So smash that "apply" button. Let's see what we can build together...



Meet The Team
Origin Story


How We Deliver Top Rankings?
How We Run Ads for Software?
Want More Trials & Demos?
Consulting Your In-House SEO
White Label for Agencies


Want to Grow Faster?
(866) 256-1543

"Lift Traffic. Lift Sales."
Lifted Search Group LLC - All Rights Reserved @ 2021
166 Hargraves Dr Ste #C407 Austin, TX 78737
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